Access for All – Mynediad i Bawb


With a target to raise £250,000 in 2 years, Tymawr aims to make sure that no-one is prevented from coming to use the Chapel because they are unable to manage steps, uneven floors and an inaccessible toilet.

The Issue

Appeal for All - Current access up exterior steps

Tymawr Convent, an Anglican monastic house in Wales since 1923, opens its doors every day to all who wish to join their worship and share in a life of contemplative prayer. Tymawr is an old Victorian house built on many levels with many steps, which are insurmountable barriers for some people.

This small monastic community is asking for help to adapt the house so that everyone with mobility difficulties or in a wheelchair will be welcome to worship and to use Tymawr Chapel for prayer.

Appeal for All - Current access up interior stairs

Our Plans

The money raised will be used to install a disabled parking space near the Chapel with a rising platform and ramp to bring people from the car park to the Sacristy door and into the Chapel. This will also give access to the Library doors and ground floor of the Convent. The toilet off the hallway will be enlarged and adapted for wheelchair access.

The architect’s drawings below show the locations in the house and the plans for the platform lift and Chapel access. The extension design is in keeping with the current house. The exterior photo shows the planned location of the extension and disabled parking.

Click on an image to view the gallery, or download as a pdf.

Give to the Appeal

All contributions to improve access to this house of prayer are welcome. Any donation, large or small, will help us reach our target of raising £250,000 in 2 years.

We are raising these funds to undertake building works that will ensure that Tymawr Chapel is accessible for everyone. Any donations raised or remaining after the completion of this work, or if we are unable to carry out this work, we will use to improve guest facilities.

Thank you so much. Diolch yn fawr iawn.

Donate via debit/credit card, Google Pay, Apple Pay or PayPal: please see our People’s Fundraising page. You will also have the option to Gift Aid your donation here.

Donate whenever you shop online: by registering with Give as you Live and using this portal for your online shopping, some 6,000 supermarkets, Amazon, DIY stores and other online retailers will donate a percentage of sales to us as your nominated charity. It is an easy way to help, at no extra cost to you.

Donate via BACS: please email to arrange, and enclose your Gift Aid Form (if applicable).

Donate by cheque: please make the cheque payable to “Society of the Sacred Cross” (please use this exact name; our bank will not accept variants) and send it with your Gift Aid Form (if applicable) to Finance Officer, Society of the Sacred Cross, Tymawr Convent, Lydart, Monmouth NP25 4RN.

Leaving money in your Will is a generous and lasting way in which you will contribute to the future life of the Convent. If this is your wish, you should talk to your solicitor and beneficiaries and take the necessary steps to leave money to the Society of the Sacred Cross when you die, marked for ‘Access to All’.

If you would like more information, please email the Chaplain, Jean Prosser.

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.


Matthew 7.7

Society of the Sacred Cross, Tymawr Convent, Lydart, Monmouth NP25 4RN
Charity Commission no.1135334 Company No. 07198198 ICO registered no. ZB791616

Tymawr Chapel