Not the least of God’s gifts is a sense of humour, which enables them to see things in proportion and not to take themselves too seriously.
from the Rule of the Society of the Sacred Cross
Our community was founded in 1914 in Chichester, Sussex by a group of women attached to St George’s, Whyke. As the community’s call to an enclosed, contemplative life became apparent, in 1923 we bought a house, which became Tymawr Convent. Coming into Wales brought us into the Church in Wales, which was disestablished from the Church of England in 1920.
In our early days, the community was strictly enclosed. The primary work of the community has always been prayer. Our pattern of Daily Offices has shifted from the early days, with a particular emphasis on corporate silent prayer in our Chapel. The Eucharist is celebrated daily and remains the heart of our shared life.
Sisters worked the land, keeping cattle, pigs and chickens, and producing milk, cheese and vegetables. Later on a printing press was bought, and for several decades the community produced cards, pamphlets and other printed material. By the 1980s both of these activities had ended. Our practical work is now hospitality to guests and work on the land in partnership with the Gwent Wildlife Trust. A number of other religious have lived as hermits at Tymawr including Br Ramon SSF.
A history of the Community, Continuous Miracle, is available to purchase at the Convent.