The Society’s dedication to the Cross signifies consecration to the crucified and risen Lord, as focus of its life, and source of the power to live it.
from the Rule of the Society of the Sacred Cross
Society of the Sacred Cross
The community that became the Society of the Sacred Cross was founded in Chichester, West Sussex in 1914 at the onset of the First World War. In 1923, six Sisters set out on a pilgrimage to the Wye Valley in South Wales and founded an enclosed house of prayer at Tymawr Convent, near Monmouth. Their vocation was to be a hidden presence of the loving mercy of God in a world that was broken and thirsting for healing and reconciliation.
More than one hundred years on, this remains our vocation. Through the daily round of worship and praise, the exercise of monastic hospitality and attending to the needs of one another and the land entrusted to them, the Sisters quietly offer to God the cries and joys of his world.
Our community is shaped around our dedication to the Cross of Christ, which keeps our eyes on the crucified and risen Lord, who is the focus of our life and the ground of our being. We seek to hold open a space to sit at the foot of the Cross in prayer, service and sacrament. Amongst those who come to share that space and our work of prayer are our Oblates, Associates and Companions, who live out our shared vocation in their own homes and places of work. As an enclosed contemplative community, our focus is on being present to God in this place, and we welcome retreatants, day visitors, Alongsiders and volunteers to share that life of work and prayer.
The Charity and People
The Society is a contemplative community in the Anglican tradition, registered with the Charity Commission no. 1135334 and Companies House no. 07198198.
Major decisions are taken by a Board of Trustees, chaired by the Reverend Mother supported by a Chapter of the Life-Professed Sisters resident at Tymawr. The Society has a Warden, whose role is to safeguard the spiritual life of the community, supported by the Chaplain; and a Visitor whose role is to support the admission of new sisters and to act in disciplinary matters. The Guest Sister welcomes guests and looks after bookings for Retreats.
Our links
The Society has strong links with the Church in Wales, Monmouth Diocese.
We work in partnership with the Gwent Wildlife Trust in maintaining the Tymawr estate.
The Society is a member of the Retreats Association who publish a Retreats directory each year.
The Anglican Religious Life Yearbook has more information about Anglican Religious communities across the world.
Portraits of the Sisters credit: Suzie Howell Photography. We are very grateful to Suzie for giving us permission to use her work.